To increase the actual diameter of the penis?

The diameter of the penis – perhaps the most important selection criteria of sexual partners. The truth of course is what it is about the size does not matter, just in general, however, a desk that your penis is too small, even when a woman has a versatile skill will be problematic. The excitation of the most important points positioned on the side walls near the entrance of the vagina is, therefore, wise men uncomfortable, first of all, it's not a question, the length and width of a penis. I can get to increase the thickness of member in the House? There are safe drugs to solve the issue, it's not addictive and side effects why? This article answers questions that will give you.

Even better, it doesn't


Optimum fertility performance indicators the status of the organ is erect up to 14 to 16 cm long and 5-7 cm wide. Vaginal the size of typical average figures, therefore, it is not surprising that most ladies prefer that amount. A legend claims of great tools for attracting the ladies, the notorious male fitting. Sometimes one side or the other minor deviations are allowed, but they are huge, discomfort during intimacy this way. For this reason, many speech problems are actually just representatives of the stronger sex you must not think increasing size, skill owner vehicle. What disturbance?

  • A very long rod in the back wall when it comes to love, the stretching of the uterus. This Why do women pain feeling, the sudden motion cutting to the organ known cases.
  • Of cleaning agent may cause an unnecessarily wide inner and outer labia. Need a tight girth however, when the continuous state, such as a wall, these unpleasant sensations it causes.

A little about psychology

Talk about increase the thickness of the first member, it is important to understand, how much is required as a principle. Compare with the approach because it's not just something to honor a friend to many with a ruler. Most of the myths about the Giants in their underwear coming today a large number of an untested based information over the internet. A tip: less friends listen to, read, yellow. The beautiful half of humanity representatives remember really, I prefer normal, average figures, and in any case the choice, kind, caring, thoughtful man. We should not forget what else?

  • Dear friends and fantastic sense more than some of the stories are supposedly a big penis, the dream, the desire, to give the desired reality.
  • An intimate interview with the stars of the film, the comparison star has nothing to do with the truth is usually nothing, this is just a publicity stunt.
  • Deviation from physiological norms, the conscious nature, the only damage the woman's body, but also there's a man that causes a lot of discomfort.

Measure correctly

The dimensions of the penis may vary at different times a day, it depends on temperature, manager, mood, fatigue, work, and other factors. Therefore, in order to make sure that, normal, large, you need to make a number measuring in the morning and in the evening within a few days. The term sufficient in this business just a number-dimensional Rod. The easiest way of measuring the circumference, diameter, equal to a known time to go to school, the product of an irrational number with a value of π equal to 3.14. Lens that allows you to get a picture of the correct measurement to get rid of complexes and most likely bankruptcy. The correct measure penis diameter?

  • Applications possible excitation. Not quiet able to stretch a penis a few times, will give a complete picture.
  • The best thing to do on it's feet. By strong, but a thicker yarn winding squeezing the base of the penis. Perform similar manipulations under the barrel with a piece of head.
  • You need to make the measurement, then the accumulated energy bounce him a break. You can do it yourself too by using the correct masturbation.

Related to folk remedies and today

how to enlarge your penis,

First, current developments, and modern medicine and a member of the appeal increasing the diameter of tubes, tips, our ancestors used them to remember not to be redundant nature of the health problems that I lived not for the treatment of various diseases. Folk recipes and today in the field of sexual and sexual life of action based on them concerning many drugs, in the laboratory synthesis of natural components. Cause a mild effect on the body that are supplying homeopathic and Kathleen, addiction, allergies, side effects. The most common sources of terrestrial flora which representatives of male power?

  • Ginseng – crafting blocks harmful cortisol.
  • Tribulus – stimulates testosterone synthesis.
  • Ginger – increases cross-veins.
  • Pelin – activated blood flow in the groin area.
  • Peruvian puzzle – a powerful aphrodisiac, libido enhancer.
  • Aloe – normalizes metabolism.

It has natural remedies effect instant effect, therefore, the result is worth waiting for the next day. But regular intake of natural mixtures and tinctures, coupled with FIT, causing you to develop a healthy lifestyle, masculinity, and incremental sizes within a month already.

Healthy eating – imposing thickness

Axiom about the cohesion necessary for a healthy life and the right mode separate power, it is known by everyone. However, many believe, different expressions, it's worth nothing. According to doctors, this misconception: exactly sedentary and a sedentary lifestyle, often, sexual disorders, diseases, genitourinary system, impotence. Tempering, to allow you to load constantly to keep the body in good condition, have a positive effect on general health, the ability to confront infectious and viral diseases. Same applies to men's issues. Question – How to enlarge your penis in diameter – very specific answers.

  • Eat right! Good food for a bit, but at least 4-5 times a day. Foods that are essential to the body definitely diet fresh fruits and vegetables, Yesil vegetables, honey, nuts, pumpkin seeds, hard cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, a steam room, beef.
  • In the sequel get plenty of fresh air – this feed will be able to fill this vessel and launched an intense influx of blood active oxygen helps penis. In addition, the actions of the body, a possible cold, with which you can easily make.
  • Regular physical load, why do so many modern men is not enough. Sitting, working, automotive tube, promote blood internship, why prostatitis. Strengthen the charge even half an hour, the body has the ability to improve in bed.
  • Make sure, or at least significantly limit the use of nicotine and alcohol. Nov Tonus smoking and drinking weaken a dull feeling, a trust, a word that appears in a male, it goes fast. Yes, and the smell of a woman of pleasure for that smoke?!

Most how to increase the volume

You can improve the diameter of member I in the House? Yes, a lot of this in ancient times, the roots of many of the methodologies. In ancient Egypt, for example, a man taught for 8 years already, right masturbate, teach you, and other male power and wisdom increase. The most effective way massage. The concept contains the method that is called Kegel exercises exercises organs genitourinary system gluteal and inguinal involvement is associated with Nov. They just prolong the erection also increase the volume of the rod change when sexual intimacy is push help to control the moment of ejaculation. There are five main ways male thickening tool.

  • Massage. An apparent effect of 30 minutes of exercise a day enough to take. Then a hot shower, a warm up, I need to delete Nov penis. Grasp at its base, slowly push the head slide and the lock 10 seconds. Then, tilt down, left, right and stop in each position for 15 seconds. In addition, some of 10 repetitions.
  • Extender. A special device, aggravating penis. Initially invented to extend, however, experience has shown that in such a way that helps to change wide. Not to wear more than 1,5-2 months, and another will have the opposite effect. Tissue becomes larger due to the size of stretching, fundamentalism is still the situation.
  • Vacuum pump. A popular fixture for a quick effect. A similar device, the pump, cause a rush of blood to the skin an intense, visually significant soft tissue swelling. In addition, the pump – an excellent tool for the Prevention of stagnant events. The result achieved is a powerful, but very long lasting.
  • If necessary good hormone pills will be an instant impact. After drinking the capsules one hour before sexual intercourse, you can trust overwhelming sexual intercourse an erection for a long time, multiple orgasms. However, suitable drugs are not for everyone, the appointment that I need to take them after consultation with Doctor.
  • Ointments and gels. Tool service providers, local effects, has the effect of applying instant as to why it's not good. You must remember that you can have sex Why not head based on a reduction in sensitivity for some action watch this. You should read with individual intolerance to the components.

Surgical intervention

surgery increasing member

If you have a serious medical intervention for a remedy operational the value of evidence. Sometimes a small amount because associated with incorrect construction or post-complications, diseases. 2-3 cm 4-5 cm in diameter with elongation member plastic surgeons to increase the strength of the healing of the suture passes and a long time it may take up to six months. Important recommendations, determined by doctors to refrain from taking drugs, sincerity, the slightest disease doctor. The most common methods are surgical changes of the magnitude of it should be noted that the following is an organ of bearing a child.

  • The use of hyaluronic acid. Subcutaneous tissue swells due to the desired size by buying. Effect very quickly.
  • Operation – crop supporting ligaments. The surgery is done under general anesthesia, and do it quickly, penis, 3-4 cm thick
  • Pumping oil (oil fill) – the most secure process. The fence is made in fat tissue and the patient's body is beginning to take root and organic, in a new place.
  • Transplantation, tissues, the armpit or the belly area received. Penis how to dress, extra clothes, and more.
  • Implantation of the cartilage framework. Unless it's a dangerous method and applied such possible complications.