How to enlarge your penis at home

It's no secret that many men have thought at least once how to enlarge their penis. After all, a large penis is considered a real male pride. A man's self-esteem also depends on the size of his penis, which is very important when having sex with his beloved wife. In this article we will look at all the ways to enlarge the penis at home and also see if it is realistic to do it at all.

measuring the penis for and after enlargement at home

What is the normal size of a penis?

In fact, according to doctors, there are no strict requirements for the length of the penis. However, a deviation from the norm is considered to be the length of the penis less than eight to ten centimeters. In this case, the size should be measured only in an adult mature man in an erect state. Usually, the stronger sex decides for themselves whether their size is appropriate or not, and also takes into account the preferences of women. However, as practice shows, size is really not the main thing for sexual satisfaction of the partner.

Is it realistic to enlarge the penis

The male genital organ is very sensitive to the influence of external influences. Scientists have shown that if a narrow diameter is used to satisfy sexual needs, then the penis can become significantly narrower in a relatively short period of time. Therefore, we can conclude that if the penis can be reduced, it can be enlarged.

Think carefully if you really need it. If you are a representative of a European nation, then the norm for you should be a length of twelve to sixteen centimeters and a diameter of three to four centimeters. If your dimensions correspond to the characteristics described above, then you definitely should not worry. In this case, you face only a psychological problem. However, if you have decided that penis enlargement is a necessity for you, then pay attention to choosing the right technique.

The most popular methods are:

  • jelling;
  • augmentation with surgery;
  • special types of massage;
  • method of stretching by hanging loads;
  • vacuum pump and extension;
  • the use of certain drugs;
  • special attachments for the genitals;
  • the use of various ointments, sprays and gels.

However, the best result can only be achieved by combining several methods. Keep in mind that penis enlargement is a very time consuming exercise, so you will need a lot of patience and perseverance.

How to enlarge your penis at home

Keep in mind that penis enlargement at home is not always as effective as advertised. So try not to fall for tricks and choose the most effective and optimal method. So, let's look at how to enlarge the penis at home, using the most effective methods.


The method of such augmentation is considered the most ancient, as it was used by the ancients. Its essence consists in stretching the corpora cavernosa, which can subsequently be filled with a large volume of blood. In ordinary people, this method is called "milking". Even doctors recommend the use of jelqing, as they know that with constant practice this technique will give very good results. However, exercise should be done regularly.

jelqing for penis enlargement at home

So, in order for the penis to enlarge properly, buy a lubricant. The exercise can be done only if the penis is in a semi-upright position. So, as a result of stretching, the corpora cavernosa will increase in size, which means that more blood will flow into the penis. That is why there will be an increase. Usually the first results can be seen after two months of regular training.

Performing special exercises

It is quite possible to enlarge the male genital organ at home. The main thing is to do it right. The more patience you have and the more correctly you perform the exercises, the better the result will be.

Special exercises perform very well. Before you start them, be sure to warm your penis. In this way you can maximize the elasticity of the corpora cavernosa. This is very easy to do by using cereal or salt heated in a pan. Put them in a small bag and attach it to your penis. Now make sure that the penis is not completely straight. Now cover it with plenty of fat and you can start the exercise.

Wrap your arm around your manhood and start pulling it down and right and left. At the same time, squeeze the penis tightly, but do it so that you do not feel pain. Many reviews for men who do this exercise for several months are really positive. Therefore, if you are wondering if it is possible to make a bigger penis at home, then based on the examinations of patients and doctors we can conclude that this is completely realistic.

penis massage for enlargement

Special massage

This method of augmentation is used successfully by many men. It is not only free but also completely safe. However, it can also be used at home. This method of penis enlargement is recommended even by doctors, as it not only affects the size of masculinity, but also improves potency. The main thing is to do the massage correctly and regularly. It is best to get acquainted with the technique by an experienced masseur.

The maximum effect can be achieved only if you warm the penis well before the massage. To do this, you can use the method described above or another:

  1. Moisten a towel with lukewarm water and wrap it tightly around your penis.
  2. This procedure should be repeated three to four times until the towel is dry.

If you ignore this procedure, then the cells of the penis will not be as elastic, which means that blood flow will not increase. Massage can be done for a straight penis or not. In any case, seek professional help. He will advise you on the best way to proceed in your case.

Suspension method

A big penis is every man's dream. Therefore, many members of the stronger sex are looking for an answer to the question of whether it is possible to do so. An effective method of augmentation is the method of hanging loads. However, it is very dangerous and must be used with extreme caution. The ligaments and corpora cavernosa of the penis stretch, retaining their diameter.

In the same way as in previous methods, the penis should be well warmed. Now the thread is attached to the head of the penis with glue. A little weight is hung on it. Initially, the weight should be taken not too much and gradually increase. It is best to start the sessions with fifteen minutes, gradually increasing the time to an hour or two. In this case, be sure to pay attention to the condition of the glans penis. If it starts to numb, then the load you have chosen does not suit you. You need to slightly reduce the load as well as the time for this operation.

What is an extension cord

The extender is a special device designed to increase the size of the penis as well as remove its curvature. This device is able to stretch the penis, so its tissues, to avoid discomfort, begin to grow very quickly. This device gives very good results. The male genitals can actually get bigger. However, this will only happen if you are serious about this problem and use this device every day for two hours.

penis enlargement extender

There are several types of extension cords. For which is better to choose, be sure to consult your doctor. After all, there is a risk of serious damage to your health.

Can different creams and ointments help?

Today in specialty stores there is a very large selection of means to increase the male genital organ. But can they really help? Experts have a very mixed opinion on this issue.

There are drugs that can only have a temporary effect. They contain special components that provide strong blood flow during intercourse. However, such drugs have a very short-term effect and can also have many side effects.

However, ointments for prolonged exposure, according to men who have tried them on themselves, do not have the desired effect. They can only be used in combination with other methods and then the result will really be.

Surgical intervention

Every man dreams of a big cock. However, not all men are ready for surgery. All the above methods are lower in their effectiveness compared to surgery. However, it should be borne in mind that not everyone can afford such an operation in material terms.

In this case, the surgery can be of two types:

  • extension;
  • thickening.

Thanks to this method, the length of the penis can be increased by four centimeters. In this case, local anesthesia is used.

Do not joke with your health in any way! Be sure to find a good qualified professional with years of experience. However, before deciding on such a drastic procedure, think carefully and carefully weigh all the pros and cons. It may still be worth trying non-operative methods. They are also very effective according to men and doctors. At the same time, you can save a lot of money, and the risk of ruining your health will be much lower.

Using the penis attachment

The penis enlargement attachment is the most optimal and safest option. With its help you can increase the size of your penis during intercourse by up to ten centimeters. Most often, however, men use attachments that increase their penis by three to four centimeters. Such a device can increase not only the length but also the width, as well as increase the level of erection.

penis enlargement

When buying such a device, it is very important to choose the material from which it will be made. Latex or silicone is best. Such materials are very soft and elastic and mostly resemble the skin of the body. In addition, with the help of such a nozzle you can prolong sexual intercourse as much as possible. This can be achieved by reducing the level of sensitivity of the penis.

This is the safest option for your health. Believe me, your partner will be very surprised and will experience many pleasant sensations during sex.


Unfortunately, many men are not happy with the size of their penis. However, it has long been proven that penis size does not matter for a partner's sexual satisfaction. Note that most often the problem is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

If you do decide to enlarge your penis, be sure to consult a specialist about which enlargement method is right for you. Never treat yourself and do not trust the ads. Ultimately, her goal is simply to make money from you. Think a hundred times if you need to.

So it's worth taking stock. To properly enlarge your penis, follow these rules:

  • warm the penis well;
  • use the extension methods recommended by your doctor;
  • you can use special gels and ointments;
  • perform the extension procedure daily.